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How to Generate QR Codes in PDF Format Using Python

Created on 6 September, 2024 • 15 views • 2 minutes read

Learn how to generate QR codes and save them as PDF files using Python. Follow our step-by-step guide to create high-quality QR codes and integrate them into professional PDF documents.

Generating QR codes and saving them as PDF files can be highly useful for creating printable documents, reports, or marketing materials. Python offers powerful libraries that can help you create QR codes and export them directly into PDF format. This guide will walk you through the process of generating QR codes and saving them as PDFs using Python.

What is QR Code Generation with Python?

QR code generation with Python involves creating QR codes programmatically using libraries such as qrcode and Pillow. By integrating these with PDF libraries like reportlab, you can generate and save QR codes as PDF documents.

Benefits of Generating QR Codes as PDFs

  1. High Quality: PDFs maintain high resolution and quality, making them ideal for printing and professional use.
  2. Ease of Distribution: PDFs are widely used and easily shared across different platforms and devices.
  3. Integration: Combine QR codes with other elements in a PDF, such as text and images, for comprehensive documents.

Step-by-Step Guide to Generate QR Codes and Save as PDF

1. Install Required Libraries

You'll need to install the following Python libraries:

  • qrcode for generating QR codes
  • Pillow for image handling
  • reportlab for creating PDFs

You can install these libraries using pip:

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pip install qrcode[pil] pillow reportlab

2. Generate QR Code and Save as Image

First, create a QR code and save it as an image using the qrcode and Pillow libraries:

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import qrcode
from PIL import Image

# Data to encode
data = ""

# Generate QR code
qr = qrcode.QRCode(

# Create an image
img = qr.make_image(fill='black', back_color='white')"qrcode.png")

3. Create PDF and Insert QR Code

Next, use the reportlab library to create a PDF and insert the QR code image:

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from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

# Create a PDF file
pdf_file = "qrcode.pdf"
c = canvas.Canvas(pdf_file, pagesize=letter)

# Set the position for the QR code
x, y = 100, 500

# Draw the QR code image onto the PDF
c.drawImage("qrcode.png", x, y, width=100, height=100)

# Save the PDF file

Example Use Cases

  • Marketing Materials: Include QR codes in brochures or flyers to link to digital content or special offers.
  • Reports: Add QR codes to reports or documents to provide additional information or resources.
  • Event Tickets: Generate QR codes for event tickets, which can be scanned for entry or verification.

Why Use Python for QR Code Generation and PDF Creation?

Python provides a flexible and powerful way to automate the creation of QR codes and PDFs. Using libraries like qrcode, Pillow, and reportlab, you can efficiently generate high-quality QR codes and integrate them into professional PDF documents.

Start generating QR codes and saving them as PDFs with Python to streamline your workflow and enhance your document presentations.